What is KalaKrut?
KalaKrut, a community based platform, specially designed for Musical Events Industry of India. In broad terms, the community includes all musical events related artists, services and facilities.
The artists community includes Singers, Bands, Instrumentalists, Percussionists, Dancers, Choreographers, Music Directors, Comperes, Writers, Lyricists, Poets and Stand-up Comedians.
The services community includes various types of facilities, technicians and equipments services related to Stage, Sound, Light, Video, Various Studios for Shooting and Music Recording, Dance and Jam Rooms. Also, included are, Venues where events take place such as Halls, Auditoriums, Theaters, Grounds, Resorts, Hotels, Banquets & Party Halls .
KalaKrut also would like to receive Sponsorships from Benevolent Individuals, Corporates, Event Management Companies & Governments to support our various ongoing efforts like Community Building, Contents Creation, Promotions for Community, Shows & Events, Workshops and Educational Activities.
KalaKrut Focus
The central focus is on the sustainability of work and incomes for good artists and services. The focus is also to allow for preservation of the art and art-forms while still make way for experimental art-forms of newer generations and contents.
Major genres covered are Indian Classical, Thumri, Ghazals, Bhajans, Folk, Sufi, Bollywood & Indian versions of World, Rock, Jazz, Contemporary, Fusion & EDM.
KalaKrut has its focus on, both, online and offline workflows necessary for Musical Events Industry.
KalaKrut has organized two Indian Classical Meet-up events and aims to do more. These events were possible with support from artists and self-winding. We aim to have non-artists community support for donations and buying tickets to our events.
KalaKrut Workflows
KalaKrut is aware of present workflows offered by most of the artist platforms where the main focus is to offer collaborations and the sale of properties created by artists. Many artist platforms are membership based where the artists are charged.
KalaKrut doesn't believe in burdening artists with membership or subscription or placement or commission charges. KalaKrut aims to make revenues enough to sustain itself from services like social media promotions, various production support to the artists, retainers from event companies or local organizers, brand associations, corporate or government funding & benevolent sponsors.
KalaKrut wishes to organize various events to facilitate Community Interactions, Collaborations, Content & Properties Creation as well. For such interactions KalaKrut has planned 25+ Events in a given year to reach out to the Community and Audiences.
In order to organize community events and set the revenue streams, KalaKrut seeks support from prominent artists, benevolent individuals, corporates, foundations, ngos, charitable organizations, grant makers, governments, etc. from India and Abroad.
Typical Workflows
Community Building with Artists, Services & Facilities Surveys to Create Pin Coded Database (Free To All)
Promotion with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud & GoogleMaps (Service Charges Apply)
Provide Placement Services as per the requirements of the Musical Events Industry in India (Free To Artists)
Facilitate Offline Collaborations & Contents Creation by providing Production Support (Service Charges Apply)
Improve Sustainability of work and incomes for the community by Lead Generations (Benefits To All)